Friday 8 March 2013

"GODDESS WOMBMEN ARE IMPERFECT! Why? Because PERFECT was created by masculine ideals! YOU GODDESS live by pleasure, emotion, feeling rather than thinking. YOU GODDESS live by experience and sensation rather than Guidelines and RIGHT/WRONG checks and balances.

YOU GODDESS crave to do everything backward because to you- "just being" spirals... rather than moving in a straight line is moving FORWARD.

Of course, everyone craves to balance their masculine and feminine poles. And there is peace in perfect linearity....

BUT WE HAVE TO LOVE OUR IMPERFECT SPIRALS. And see them as delicious experience.


I love watching women expand into their various archetypes.

ALL WOMEN ARE: Mother, Virgin, SLUT, warrior, child, Depressive, Angry, SEXUAL, Joyous, Nurturing, Stoic, Masculine, Feminine, vulgar, proper, destructive, chaotic, organized... EXPANSIVE.

Boxes called "social acceptability" are making women fearful to spread their wings!

Well, CALL ME and I'll remind you to just be your ever changing self.

KALI ROAR! We are here to experience. So go experience!

Let's cut the shit (the world's illusion) so we may ALL LOVE MORE!


You, my SIRENS, are my life force. Your connection to sexuality, creativity, and nurturance gives me my Isis wings. You womben, who honor the moon cycle as it waxes and wanes. Your mystic, psychic capacities, fiery free spirits, emotional honesty, and connection to your bodies makes me potent. Powerful. Alive. To you, my goddesses, you are the snake that enters my yoni and touches my heart. You raise my kundalini so I may open to the heavens while rooting in the earth. Beauties- Let’s be an INSPIRATION by revealing our authentic selves. May we live in vibrance- un-bashfully basking in our presence. YES! To radiating pleasure. Bliss. "

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