Monday 15 April 2013

A friend got me some Lush goodie goodie presents with her 50% staff discount - i want to buy EVERYTHING from there now.

colour supplement, dark yellow
so nice - use a tiny bit straight onto your skin as thicker concealer, or mix with face moisturiser to get your perfect colour and thickness. there are so few ingredients, the first being fresh rose petal infusion. feels so light on fresh on ma faace, lasts ages, and only around £8 without discount

massage bars, wiccy magic and therapy
amazing massage bars that are made of delicious oils n stuff that melt at skin temperature. so, have a rub over someones back/arm/whatever to get some oil going and thats that. so much easier than oil from a bottle! and the wiccy magic one smells like sexy chocolate

bath bomb, the comforter
it's pink, has sparkles in it and smells so strongly like blackberries. perfect. bath bubbles and water turn pink so you can soak like a princess unicorn fairy

fun, orange and mandarin
feels like playdough, smells so strongly of orange starburst sweets, and is generally FUN. works as shampoo, conditioner, clothes soap, bubble bath etc. comes in biodegradable wrapping (that you've gotta store it in otherwise it will smoosh all over your shower when it gets wet. OR Lush sell special Fun tins). you only need the tiiiniest bit in your hand to work up into a lovely silky creamy lather. so good for shaving legs and my sister reckons the smell of the pink flavour lasts on your skin for days

it's all genuinely free of animal testing, and most products are vegan. given Imperial College's recent scandal about their disgusting breach of guidelines when testing on animals, i feel like i'm not naive enough to trust that animal testers will even stick to the barely humane codes of conduct they are given. the same goes for 'free range' meat etc. so if you don't trust it, don't go near it. i'm going to start the transition to make all of my products LUSH. the staff know everything there is to know, and it all smells delicious. no downside

i ♡ LUSH - it's inspired me to consider what i put on my body as well as in it

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